
Frontend Engineer based in Charleston, SC.

Love what you do, and you'll do it well

Frontend Engineer with a love for coding in Angular + React. Works daily with a design team to implement user-friendly software solutions. Passionate about problem-solving, and implementing mobile-first designs that are easy for the user to navigate. Recently implemented a Design System using Storybook and Angular Material as the component library. Excited to provide perspective by leveraging my eCommerce and marketing experience and implement quality efficient results. Strong work ethic, ambition, and desire to learn.

Languages + Technologies


React has been my favorite library to date. I love how scalable this front-end language is. I hope to continue my learning with this library, and eventually learn React Native, so that I can build iOS applications.

Angular + Typescript

Angular is a powerful frontend framework that provides solutions for software across many industries. I currently code in Angular daily and love learning all the capabilities it has.


I have learned Vanilla Javascript, but am mostly coding in ES6. My golden rule is "const until you can't." RESTful APIs and reading documentation have been valuable tools, as well as using AJAX to update data.


Creating a web page from scratch using HTML and semantic elements. I am able to utilize CSS to create a beautiful UI. Bootstrap is a CDN I am able to leverage to help build applications (I have also used Bulma, Materialize, and Angular Material).


Writing Node.js server code has helped me serve static web pages. Connecting the server and client has been a beneficial skill to help create a functioning application. Learning Node helped set me up for success with communicating with the database.


Learning SQL has been a useful tool and provided a foundation with databases. Alternatively, I have enjoyed MongoDB, a NoSQL database. Data is everything, and learning these skills has given me the tools to gather it from a website.

  • About Me

    I have a Bachelors Degree from the University of Georgia, which led me to an eCommerce Manager role for a multi million dollar company. In that role I had the opportunity to work on HTML and CSS and worked with a development team for more in-depth features. I realized development was a career I wanted to pursue full-time, and that led me to begin the Georgia Tech Full Stack Web Development Certification. Now I work as a Frontend Engineer and use the Angular framework.

    My dream role is to become a Frontend Engineer for an athletic brand or sports company, although I don't want to limit myself because I know there are a lot of great companies that are not necessarily in those fields. I'm just happy coding ♡

  • Home Life

    I am married and have 2 dogs (a Golden, and a mix of Golden/Red Heeler) that keep me busy! My husband and I live in Charleston, SC and love spending our free time at the beach or camping in North Carolina. When I am not coding I love running and being outside.

    Although I love my home and Charleston, I also love to travel. One goal I have is to explore the beauty across the United States and visit as many National Parks as I can (with my husband and 2 dogs)!

My Portfolio

  • On-Track Application

    The On-Track Application is a full MERN application using MongoDB as the database, Express.js (a Node.js web framework) as the server, React.js for the client-side, and Node.js as the JavaScript web server. In a world where remote learning is becoming more popular, this is the perfect time to leverage technology to encourage positive behavior in class whether online or virtually. On-Track is an application to enforce positive behavior in school and to help keep students motivated while working remotely. *I do want to mention there is some funky UI on the homepage that needs to be fixed.

    Website Link

    NEON Peach

    NEON Peach is a platform that allows users in Georgia to easily research and interact with state legislation to influence public policies. NEON Peach utilizes node, express, express-handlebars, express-session, mysql2, sequelize, passport, passport-local, and the Bulma CDN to build an application that allows users to create an account, login to their account, delete their account, and interact with current Georgia legislation. Future development includes emailing legislators once bills are liked.

    Website Link

    Free From All

    Free From All is an application that allows users to input their current location and search for the makeup type, brand, and toxin-free requirements that a user is looking for. Based on those search queries, the application is able to curate a list of recommended products. From there, the web application provides a map of nearby shopping locations utilizing the Google Map API. This application was created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, & 2 third party APIs (the Makeup API and Google Maps).

    Website Link
  • Budget Tracker

    The Budget Tracker incorporates functionality to allow for offline access and use. A user can add expenses and deposits to their budget with or without a connection. Offline functionality includes entering deposits offline and entering expenses offline. When Online (or brought back online), offline entries are added to the budget tracker. The Budget Tracker is a PWA (Progressive Web Application) that utilizes node.js, Express, and MongoDB to create and store data for the application. The application is deployed on Heroku.

    Website Link

    Burger Application

    This Burger Application utilizes MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars, and a homegrown ORM to accomplish the following - A user can type a burger name and submit it to be "devoured". The burger app will display the burger on the left side of the page waiting to be devoured. Each burger on the left side of the page has a Devour It button. When the user clicks the button, the burger will move to the right side of the page. The burgers are stored in a MySQL database, whether devoured or not.

    Website Link

    Fitness Tracker

    The Fitness Tracker incorporates a Mongo database with a Mongoose schema. The routes for this application are handled by using Express. The following is accomplished with this application: A user can view, create, and track daily workouts. Multiple exercises can be logged on a given day. The name, type, weight, sets, reps, and duration can be tracked. If the exercise is cardio, the distance traveled can be tracked. A user can view the total duration of each workout from the past 7 workouts on the stats page.

    Website Link
  • Weather Dashboard

    This Weather Dashboard Application allows a user to enter a city of their choice. In return, the current weather is displayed along with a 5 day weather forecast. The user will see the current weather, including the temperature, humidity, wind speed, and UV index in that given city. The UV Index has a color code alerting the user if the index is low, moderate or high. This application utilizes the Open Weather API to pull in the current weather data. The Weather Dashboard has an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript file.

    Website Link

    Workday Scheduler

    This application allows a user to enter text in the time block elements and save their data. The time blocks are colored based on the time of day. Grey - Hour has passed Red - Current hour Green - Future hour. This application is perfect for an office or company with a 9 am - 5 pm schedule. The Workday Scheduler has an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript file. The code utilizes the moment.js library to display the current day, and to color code the hours based on the time of day. the jQuery library was also used for this application.

    Website Link

    Code Quiz

    The Code Quiz features a welcome screen that asks the user to begin the quiz. When the user clicks "Start Quiz" the timer begins and the first question appears on the screen. The users answer is validated. This continues until all the questions are answered. If the user gets a question wrong, 15 seconds are deducted from their time. The game is over either when the time runs out or when the user finishes answering their questions. HTML, CSS, JavaScript and DOM Manipulation were used to render the Code Quiz.

    Website Link

Say Hello

Thank you for stopping by! I am currently not taking on freelance clients but feel free to reach out for other opportunities.


Contact Information